Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rain, rain, go away already. Are you soaked? Feeling achy all over?

Today I had a first. I sat in one of those observation rooms where you watch market research take place. You can see the study group but they can't see you. I joined about eight others from the media in watching women talk about skincare products. What's preferred -- lotion, cream, or foam...? The coolest thing abut those secret observation rooms is that you have your very own specialist or two commenting directly on the impromptu remarks made by reviewers.

One girl said she'd love face wash-in-a-spray. Oh no, said the Derm in the booth. That could never work. The FDA would never approve it --squirts in the eyes...a disaster!

And, if you'll notice, she said, it was that same woman who complained about push-pump packaging who also suffered skin irritation after washing. She was probably using too much before, you see.

A-haaaaaaa said the onlookers in the booth. We were all feeling very undercover behavioral analyst...She's touching her nose and has just crossed her legs, said Watson. Do you think she is telling a lie?

Now, Note To UES Singles: Put on your best poker face and head on over to Stir Thursday for Black Jack night. Because, you can tell a lot about a person-slash-potential-mate by the way he or she holds the cards -- are they cards tucked tight into the vest or hanging out free for the world to see? You can be an undercover behavioral analyst too, see?

What: Eight Rounds of Tournament-Style Black Jack
Where: Stir: 1363 1st Avenue (E 73-74)
When: Doors open at 5pm, Tournament starts at 9pm
To Register: E-mail to claim a spot at the table

See you there.

Your Girl About Town

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